Integrated degree program Medium-sized business management
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Study at the biggest cooperative university in Germany and prepare for your future career in a company.
In cooperation with the „Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen“ – StudiumPlus - we offer you the chance to start your academic studies in the field of medium-sized business management in Bad Wildungen and graduate after three years with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). Theoretical and practical work alternate challenging you to test your acquired knowledge during your own business projects at Analyticon.
For each project phase a mentor will guide and support you whenever required. Besides in-depth business knowledge you will also acquire social responsibility and competence, demonstrating ”StudiumPlus” to be the optimal entry into professional life!
Study content
Includes business administration, economics, law, marketing, sales, finance, accounting, controlling, fiscal policy, business informatics, English, project management
Start of work
August 1st
Start of the course
Winter term
Course duration
6 terms
- A-levels
- Good grades in German, mathematics and English
- Driving license class b
- Fluency in MS-Office
- High interest in economic and politics
There are no vacant integrated degree programs available for the start in 2024.
Analyticon Biotechnologies GmbH
Am Muehlenberg 10
35104 Lichtenfels