Quality Policy statement Our promise to you
Analyticon is committed to meeting or exceeding the needs and expectations of our customers and partners worldwide with high-quality products for routine diagnostics, compelling solutions, and responsive service and support.We lay great value on listening to our customers, recognizing their needs, and translating them into innovative products and solutions.
We continuously work to improve our products and services. Our internal processes are reviewed and optimized through frequent dialog with our employees and customers. The thorough quality assurance of all our operational processes is guaranteed by our certified quality management system, which complies with the internationally valid standard EN ISO 13485:2016 + AC:2018 + A11:2021 and the strict IVD Regulation 2017/746. We assure seamless and continuous quality control of development, production, and distribution, and our products meet all quality standards of the strict IVD Regulation 2017/746.
Furthermore, Analyticon regularly participates in external ring trials and has registered portions of its portfolio with national authorities (e.g., the Chinese National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), Scandinavian Laboratory Equipment Assessment Authority (SKUP), College of American Pathologists (CAP)).